Thursday, March 29, 2007

protocol 80 on the Radio

This morning we had the opportunity to show our radio-friendly faces on WESB, a Bradford, Pennsylvania radio station, in a segment called the 'Live Line'. On the show, we discussed the tremendous opportunity for businesses and individuals in a small, rural area such as Northwestern Pennsylvania, to establish an International business presence through a variety of online business models.

We also had 3 of our clients involved with the discussion:

All three of them did an excellent job highlighting their specific online business models and showing how effective the web has been in growing their businesses. We have had a great time working with all of them and watching their online businesses grow, particularly in such a small, rural economy.

Look for a feature on our homepage with the audio from the excerpt in the coming days!```

Monday, March 26, 2007

Never Ending Alpaca Farm is now Live!

We are very excited to announce the launch of a new web site that we have been working on for some months now, The site is a great overview of the Farm and it's animals! The farm is located in Portville, New York, so we are just 30 minutes away, which made meeting very convenient. In this project we developed the entire design and flash content, and are also hosting the site.

Look for to grow over time!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

eBay is a Viable Business Platform, and protocol 80 will show why!

protocol 80 has the opportunity to give an introductory seminar on the basics of eBay with a business twist on March 21st and March 28th from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Registration for the class can be done through the University of Pittsbrugh at Bradford.

The class will focus on the basics of eBay and how to use it. There are so many advantages to using eBay, even if it is an extension of your current online offerings. Where else in the world do you have a captive audience, ready to buy?